Sunday, November 11, 2007

As If Angelina Jolie Wasn't Cool Before

Right... so I already know that Angelina Jolie is a goddess... but you have to see this clip of her at the Beowulf premiere in LA recently.
She's walking along the red carpet with Brad and stopping to let people take photos and doing the whole waving thing, when she spots a female (lesbo no doubt) in the crowd wearing an 'Adopt Me Angelina' tshirt. Angelina thinks this is hilarious clearly and climbs over the barrier and over to the fans. She tries to calm the screaming fans a little and then hugs a few of them. The girl with the tshirt takes a photo with Angelina and as if that wasn't enough, Angelina gets a sharpy.. leans in.. hand on breast area.. yeah.. you did just read that right.. hand on breast area.... and signs her tshirt.....

Angie... lesbians the world over adore you.. and this kind of thing is exactly why. Check it out here.


Anonymous said...

That woman is a goddess. You don't see her snubbing her fans like some other lesser known "stars" do. She's just amazing. Gush over. Oh and thanks for the clip!!

wanderingmind said...

Too good to be true. Thanks for the clip and cool blog.

dorkybutcute said...

omg i would kill to be that girl in the crowd right now...

(followed a link to your site from a lesbian gaming site, by the way)

LesboLicious said...

Hey thanks for the comments. It's good to know people are actually reading lol. Lesbian gaming huh... nice.. thanks.
Stick around, I might actually say something interesting one day lol.

Anonymous said...

God, that was girl was so lucky.
Thanks for uploading this!