Oh yeah people... just last week I was discussing Jessica Biel and her relationship with Justin Timberlake. I believe I also mentioned 'those' lesbian rumors that just don't seem to go away.
She was recently photographed unaware by someone at some random sports event with JT (in the green t-shirt in the photo). Now, they were also joined by some friends on their jaunt and Jessicas unnamed galpal had a good old feel of her ass when JT wasn't looking.
Doesn't she know that people are ALWAYS looking at celebrities? Some sneaky sod snapped a photo and oh yeah people.. that lady is getting a good old feel.
Now here's what I'm thinkin..... firstly.. the chick with her looks like a big ole dyke. Look at the photo.... big shoulders, wifebeater top, lesbian pose, chunky ring on right hand finger, bands around her wrist... this one has got to be gay surely. And there she is... caught in the act of nonchalently feeling up Jessica. Now, if you were a straight woman and your friend just randomly groped you, wouldn't you at least flinch a little? Ya know, you'd at least be slighly uncomfy right? Not Jessica, apparently she didn't even bat an eyelid. Infact, she seemed so comfy with it that you might be fooled into thinking this is something that happens often, that this person is already fairly intimate with you and simply forgot where she was for a second. Now far be it for me comment, I don't know the girl, I don't know what her relationship is about, but all I can do is try to read between the lines here like the rest of you.
The ever reliable sources on the scene (ha!) stated that as soon as JT turned around, the hand was quickly removed from her ass. Now, is it a case of he just doesn't know, maybe he does know and he's a 'beard' for Jess. Who knows the true story, all I know is it's making me smile and that's a good thing. As always, opinions in this little blog of mine are just that.. opinions. There's no fact in this, no truth that we know of.. but come on people... surely there's just tooooooo many things going on here with this whole lesbo story.
Lesbo or not those two are hot! Does seem pretty weird though it has to be said, a straight girl would definitely have some sort of reaction, particularly when said love of her life is standing mere feet away!
I just wish Hollywood celebs would come the F out already, the business there would fall to pieces without all the lesbians, gays and other 'non hetero' types, so where's the drama. Come out Jessica... and Justin for that matter lol
Someone just linked me here from CDaN - have to say (hetero over here) if *anyone* grabbed my ass unexpectedly I'd jump! The only ass-grab you don't jump at is the one from you significant other, who's standing beside you, in ass-reaching distance, so you feel all cool with it. Which could be what happened here .. Or she could have jumped 1 second later (tho how'd they get the snap?). Perplexed that, if Biel is into girl-love, and not just playtime shenanigans, that she'd be so .. engaged.
So, everybody missed it:...the OTHER photo at the game shows a leering too-big smile from JB at her grabbing GF, while her gf's hand (just out of frame) is reaching back (under?) jb's jacket in her "chestal-(ha) area". So what's to grab high on a woman's chest? Men and women on the other team grab these two area on another woman.
i understand the reasoning but i think if you want to stay in the closet you would act surprised when this happens. no matter how intimate you are with someone, if you dont want it in the open and you even think you need it for your career than doing something like that in a stadium full of people with cell phone cameras would set all alarms off and you wouldnt just take it.
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